The placeholder <tt>\0</tt> will be replaced by the original text of this field to match. Note that as an alternative, you may also use the rule Host name translation for Incoming Messages in the Global Settings of the EC to accomplish your task.
The placeholder <tt>\0</tt> will be replaced by the original text of this field to match. Note that as an alternative, you may also use the rule <tt>Host name translation</tt> for incoming messages in the Gglobal Ssettings of the EC to accomplish your task.
The placeholder <tt>\0</tt> will be replaced by the original text of this field to match. Note that as an alternative, you may also use the rule Host name translation for Incoming Messages in the Global Settings of the EC to accomplish your task.
The placeholder <tt>\0</tt> will be replaced by the original text to match. Note that as an alternative, you may also use the rule <tt>Host name translation</tt> for incoming messages in the Global Settings of the EC to accomplish your task.
GglobalSsettings of the EC to accomplish your task.