With the help of the <a href="https://github.com/robocorp/rcc" target="_blank">RCC</a> binary, the robotmk scheduler can generate the Python environments required for the execution of Robot Framework suites. This eliminates the need to install and configure Python and all of its library packages on the target hosts. RCC environments are created right after the schedulder gets started by the Checkmk agent and before it enters the scheduling phase.
Cu ajutorul <a href=https://github.com/robocorp/rcc>rcc binary</a>, programatorul robotmk poate genera mediile Python necesare pentru executarea suitelor Robot Framework. Acest lucru elimină necesitatea de a instala și configura Python și toate pachetele de bibliotecă ale acestuia pe gazdele țintă. Mediile RCC sunt construite numai atunci când este pornit planificatorul.
With the help of the <a href="https://github.com/robocorp/rcc" target="_blank">RCC</a> binary, the robotmk scheduler can generate the Python environments required for the execution of Robot Framework suites. This eliminates the need to install and configure Python and all of its library packages on the target hosts. RCC environments are created right after the schedulder gets started by the Checkmk agent and before it enters the scheduling phase.
Cu ajutorul <a href=https://github.com/robocorp/rcc>rcc binary</a>, programatorul robotmk poate genera mediile Python necesare pentru executarea suitelor Robot Framework. Acest lucru elimină necesitatea de a instala și configura Python și toate pachetele de bibliotecă ale acestuia pe gazdele țintă. Mediile RCC sunt construite numai atunci când este pornit planificatorul.
With the help of the <a href="https://github.com/robocorp/rcc>rcc" target="_blank">RCC</a> binary</a>, the robotmk scheduler can generate the Python environments required for the execution of Robot Framework suites. This eliminates the need to install and configure Python and all of its library packages on the target hosts. RCC environments are only built whencreated right after the schedulder igets started by the Checkmk agent and before it enters the scheduling phase.